Friday, January 30, 2009


Fred reminds me of sauces.

May the air be thick of odor above your lip.

Do not call this a return. This is something new. And flimsy. And flimsaaay. Please take a moment to glance at your clock calendars and make note of said date time. This one will go down in history and be remembered globes over. Something old, something new, something blue and yet still nothing for you.

So that we all have it straight, take heed. JVo will spill your drinks, Skeegs can sway the meek. ESN will soil your sheets. Lee Sweat will leave your feet.

The day I met Fred. There are events in ones life that you will forget and there are events in ones life that you will never remember. I do not remember meeting Fred. I attribute this to the fact that I haven’t ever met him. Ever. I have met people who have met with Fred but never have I had such treasure. As much as I want to make meet with this man, I fear it will not happen until the Dallas/Fort Worth Metro-mess eventually expands to include Austin. Once that bears fruit, WHOOOWEEEE it is on and poppin. Break down the door and get all up in Katie for barring it cause we came to party.

Now for the jokes….

Monday, January 26, 2009

Until further notice

Sixxx Nuttts?

This is a dare, Medman


Dissuade, Disswindle


A complete form of exercise and restriction.

Skin falls.
King Fred lied. Space Space.
Where the FGUCK were you? Where the yFuck where you?


Try Not To Do That Again, Fred

It was a little like peeling an orange. But this time the orange could talk. We are hearing the choking and the moaning and all we can think about is fruit. This fruit peeling is the opposite of a massage. Piercingly orange tendrils are frayed in infinite agony. I'm disconnected from the face that used to be Oliva. But Fred maintains that he is closer to her than ever. The doctor said that not a square inch of flesh would be left. The pieces of paper adhered to her body much like a cut that Fred would get whilst shaving. There was a loud exhalation and then... nothing.

Your Liver Don't Live Here

Discontent, she always seemed to merge into his knife. The Custodian was a Doctor. It was all bad advice, awful food, wrong prescriptions, and too little too late.
One of Oliva's crutches were broken. Fred held her shoulder..................... ........................... "Fred, you're here to give and give, that's a fine thing".

This time while slipping, she closed her eyes.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Return of Big Whoop(s), The Sample-Starved Millionaire

There's hot shit right now coming out of the Short Cop Productions laboratory. Hotter than you can say bitches, we rollin. Mob deepin'. Creepin...Asshole sleepin'

Big Whoop(s), The Sample-Starved Millionaire is no joke. Recollect his promises.

Here is the anthem. Throw your damn backs out.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Yeah, sometimes we burn our shit down too. I understand...people are busy.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Two Times the Transactions


Get up.


Get up.


Get up.

And buy some more soap. Hand soap.

I sold bloody jeans back to Wards

I saved my money wisely

and I used it toward



blue jeans.

Doing it for the lugnuts

Fred, like heat is not a substance.
Traveling like planes.

possibly the interim clause.

"Great Incredible Cruelty, have i done this before?
possibly Taken.

My own Mom has no more."


Look up at Aisle 6

Dear Fred,

It's too bad we don't talk. We used to be really underground. Remember how I shaved the cat and recorded that on your reel to reel? And how we used to take DMT and talk to Methusilah? It used to always have the feeling of a seance when we would play Boggle. My favorite dish that you prepared when we lived at the co-ed dorm room that is torn down now was mutton chops.



More Fred

Oliva, come here baby,
I wanna eat standing on the bed.

Vegetarian Sausage, English Muffins, Cheese and Eggs.

We might not talk, we can sit Crossed legs.



Heart ache by the Pound, We've made a Mess of me.

Metaphors for Break Fast?

I like to eat alot of Break Fast.