Friday, January 30, 2009

May the air be thick of odor above your lip.

Do not call this a return. This is something new. And flimsy. And flimsaaay. Please take a moment to glance at your clock calendars and make note of said date time. This one will go down in history and be remembered globes over. Something old, something new, something blue and yet still nothing for you.

So that we all have it straight, take heed. JVo will spill your drinks, Skeegs can sway the meek. ESN will soil your sheets. Lee Sweat will leave your feet.

The day I met Fred. There are events in ones life that you will forget and there are events in ones life that you will never remember. I do not remember meeting Fred. I attribute this to the fact that I haven’t ever met him. Ever. I have met people who have met with Fred but never have I had such treasure. As much as I want to make meet with this man, I fear it will not happen until the Dallas/Fort Worth Metro-mess eventually expands to include Austin. Once that bears fruit, WHOOOWEEEE it is on and poppin. Break down the door and get all up in Katie for barring it cause we came to party.

Now for the jokes….

1 comment:

Justin said...

peppers be swollen, now that we've been told. blessed be the ones with the rock counting.